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My hand for some more reviews!

Who knew that writing a book turns you into a review vampire? "I von to suck your brain... for feedback!"

While its nice to hear what people think about what I've made (and a particular character flaw of mine certainly is craving feedback), this new hankering for reviews is more for the boost on Amazon and whatnot. Turns out your book gets shoved to the back of a very, very long line if you don't have at least a handful of reviews. Even a word or two, apparently, will suffice.

But then, before reviews, of course, must come people actually reading the story. There are some sales, but I'd be lying if I said things are going as well as I'd hoped. Let's hope that some book blog reviews that I'm trying to line up have a positive effect.

While all that is going on, or not going on, I'm looking for something to inspire my creativity, and I'm starting to get to an idea.

I know that after writing and publishing the first in a trilogy, it's smartest to get to work on the second instalment. But I find myself without motivation, so I'm looking for something else to write. Something that's fun and weird and not too heavy where I can let my freaky brain run wild with imagination. And then it came to me: prosthetics!

No, seriously, I've been interested in the idea of prosthetics for a while when it comes to sci-fi and anime. The anime Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood is a great example. The main character has something called automail, which is just a cool word for metal prosthetics, in his case his arm and leg.

So now, I'm set on coming up with a story that has to do with bionics/prosthetics. I want it to overall be lighter than Leaper when it comes to grand ideas (and, let's face it, shorter, because Leaper: Down to Earth is a looooong book). I have some ideas for a main character, and I even have the title of the book and the cover art figured out. But I have no idea what's going to happen in the story, what the main character's motivation is, what the themes are... hopefully it will come to me, and I'll be energized and get to writing! There is a writer's group thing in Nanaimo today, and I hope to start writing this then. I'll let you know how it goes!!

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